Sunday, February 14, 2010

Run 350

Run 350 is part of an upcoming series of environment-related initiatives by Young NTUC. It aims to raise awareness about the 350 movement and hopes to raise enough to plant 350 trees during our 5th Anniversary celebration on 30th April 2010.
- Source: run350 site

In the name to create awareness, can I trust that this will be a beneficial run? I did not know anything about the MacRitchie run in 2009 because after the Sundown 2009 I stopped all marathons. But I joined enough of the typical marathons to know how destructive it is. The amount of litter we generate, seeing paper cups and empty gels careless thrown away along the marathon path is especially depressing and heart-breaking. But at least these are the typical running paths where cleaning up is done on a regular basis. But MacRitchie run is an entirely different story. Nobody cleans up the forest/nature on a regular basis other than God and by that I meant the rain clouds he sent to shower the litter away. And nobody tramples the forest the way marathoners do for the sake of glory.

And with the arrival of 2010, organisers have gotten sick of Singapore and decided to move to another spot to organise marathon. Pulau Ubin, one of the few islands I feel so untouched, so original, is going to be tainted by these marathoners. Run 350 claims to be non-competitive but seriously, competition arises in any situations. Just having a group of runners together in the park and without any reward at the end goal, there will already be a friendly competition.

I sincerely hope that organisers will put in the care and effort to protect Pulau Ubin. Hmm talking about it, I still have not been able to borrow the Chew Jawa video.

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