Sunday, October 07, 2007

Green Carnival

Link: Green Carnival

A website by NUSSU Save. How I wish I can participate its activities... argh the movies are those I want to watch. I must really sit down one day to watch Inconvenient Truth. Resolved!

Seeing how unkempt and neglected Grass Tales is, I have decided to "borrow" that site's global warming tips and spruce things here.

Saving Fuel

* Try car-pooling with your friends and neighbours
* Take public transport or better, walk if the travel distance is short


Help save the energy needed to make products from raw materials.

* Support recycling projects in your neighbourhood
* Deposit plastic bottles, aluminum cans and used magazines in the recycling bins on our school campus

Reduce & Reuse

* Print double-sided documents and multiple slides on each side for your class notes. Papers used for printing can be salvaged for additional purposes e.g. drafts and calculations.
* Collect washing machine water to flush the toilet
* Watch the amount of disposables you use. At fast food and takeaway counters, ask for less cup-holders, straws, plastic utensils, sugar and creamer packets
* Keep plastic grocery bags for future use. Or better, bring your own grocery bag instead of using plastic disposables

Saving Electricity

* Use energy-efficient home appliances e.g. light bulbs, air-conditioner, fridge etc.
* Switch off the main electric power when devices are not in use. Don’t leave them on standby and let electricity leak. Take the plug out of the socket when not charging your phone and laptop
* A study in Australia estimated that almost 12% of the electrical bill for a typical home was wasted on standby power
* Clean your air-con filters regularly to ensure that the air con keeps you cool without drawing unnecessary power
* Use less of your dryer and hang clothes out to dry

1 comment:

Wisely said...
