Friday, February 24, 2006

3 paths to a station

Long long ago, here was a green nice slope. A nice little stairs sit in the middle of it, for the commuters to travel to and fro the train station and the bus stop. Further up, a little slope of cement is created near the traffic light path. However the people crossing the traffic light decided that the slope is too much a distance for them to cover. They chose to create a new path. A path between the cement slope and the stairs. A direct cutthrough to reach the station. This cut the grasses once. Then the people alighting the bus stop decided that stairs is too troublesome to climb. They make a mini slope besides the stairs. This cut the grasses twice. On the final blow, the commuters realised that the little slope is not sufficient for the human masses. They make another little slope besides it. The third blow for the grasses.

Ever been stabbed in the heart once? Ever been stabbed in the heart twice? Ever been stabbed in the heart thrice? These grasses have. And on rainy days, they cry and bade goodbyes to the sands. Which will be washed away and accumulated on the pavement. Such is the fate of these grasses.

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